
Run MATLAB The MATLAB tool on nanoHUB gives you access to the full MATLAB desktop, including most toolboxes, Simulink®, and Simulink- based products (product list).

This tag is for general MATLAB related materials such as scripts, documentation, etc. The tag that is specific to the R2021a version of MATLAB that is available on nanoHUB is MATLAB Tool.

All Categories (1-20 of 74)

  1. Introduction to MATLAB on nanoHUB

    Online Presentations | 20 May 2024 | Contributor(s):: Paula Kirya, The Micro Nano Technology - Education Center

    In this workshop, you will gain hands-on MATLAB experience with nanoHUB's free MATLAB tool.

  2. Industry Partner Tool Workshop Series

    Series | 10 Apr 2024

    This series of workshops introduces participants to commercial tools available to run in nanoHUB. All workshops include hands-on activities, where participants can follow along with experts as they demonstrate using the commercial tools.

  3. We can Simulate That: A Simulation Tool for Lithography Training

    Online Presentations | 07 Dec 2023 | Contributor(s):: Atilla Ozgur Cakmak, The Micro Nano Technology - Education Center

    Dr. Cakmak will discuss how he employs simulation programs in his classes. This talk will specifically touch on his nanolithography simulation tool.

  4. Data Cleaning with MATLAB

    Online Presentations | 12 Oct 2022 | Contributor(s):: Kelsey Joy Rodgers

    This workshop will go over MATLAB built-in functions (readcell and writecell) to import data from Excel and export data to Excel.

  5. Sep 12 2022

    Data Cleaning with MATLAB

    Data Cleaning with MATLABInstead of cleaning your data cell by cell, did you know that MATLAB can simplify and automate your data cleaning tasks?Join us for a free data cleaning tutorial, where you...


  6. MATLAB Training for Undergraduate Research Students

    Online Presentations | 17 Aug 2022 | Contributor(s):: Kelsey Joy Rodgers

    nanoHUB is excited to bring you MATLAB Training for Undergraduate Research Students with your host Kelsey Rodgers. Kelsey will guide you through the many functionalities of MATLAB and how it can be used for both research and educational purposes.

  7. Optical MNIST dataset

    Downloads | 21 Apr 2022 | Contributor(s):: Hanyu Zheng

    Rapid advances in deep learning have led to paradigm shifts in a number of fields, from medical image analysis to autonomous systems. These advances, however, have resulted in digital neural networks with large computational requirements, resulting in high energy consumption and limitations in...

  8. Machine Learning with MATLAB

    Online Presentations | 11 Mar 2022 | Contributor(s):: Gaby Arellano Bello

    In this session, we explore the fundamentals of machine learning using MATLAB. We introduce machine learning techniques available in MATLAB to quickly explore your data, evaluate machine learning algorithms, compare the results and apply the best technique to your problem.

  9. Data Analysis with MATLAB

    Online Presentations | 04 Mar 2022 | Contributor(s):: Gen Sasaki

    Learn how MATLAB can be used to visualize and analyze data, perform numerical computations, and develop algorithms. Through live demonstrations and examples, you will see how MATLAB can help you become more effective in your coursework as well as in research.

  10. Feb 23 2022

    nanoHUB Hands-On Workshop: Machine Learning with MATLAB

    Abstract: Engineers and data scientists work with large amounts of data in a variety of formats such as sensor, image, video, telemetry, databases, and more. They use machine learning to find...


  11. Feb 16 2022

    nanoHUB Hands-On Workshop: Data Analysis with MATLAB

    Abstract: Do you find analyzing your data to be a painful process of cleansing and selecting data, running functions that don’t give you any indication of the output, and force you to keep...


  12. MATLAB R2021a

    Tools | 09 Sep 2021 | Contributor(s):: Gen Sasaki, Lisa Kempler

    MATLAB is a programming and numeric computing platform to analyze data, develop algorithms, and create models.



  14. A Circuit-compatible SPICE Model for Phase-field Simulations of Multi-domain Ferroelectrics

    Downloads | 17 May 2021 | Contributor(s):: Chia-Sheng Hsu, Sou-Chi Chang, Dmitri Nikonov, Ian Alexander Young, Azad Naeemi

    To describe the multi-domain FE switching dynamics, we present a circuit-compatible model that can solve the time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau (TDGL) equation and Poisson’s equation self-consistently in three-dimensional space with the SPICE simulator. In addition, the FE domain structures...

  15. Mihir Gaglani

    My encounter with Li-ion batteries happened during my Masters and I almost fall for it. I'm currently working as a battery modeling engineer at Nunam.A battery modeling engineer is quite a...


  16. Matlab Coding and Data Analysis in the Context of Radiation Hardening

    Tools | 01 Oct 2020 | Contributor(s):: Amanda Johnston, Alejandro Strachan, Congying Wang, Adrian Nat Gentry, Zachary D McClure, Tamara J. Moore, Anne DeLion, Lukas Beebe Diehm, Zofia Marta Stawiarska

    Learn Matlab coding within the context of Radiation Hardening problems.

  17. Sebastian Rivas


  18. Matlab Data Analysis Using Jupyter Notebooks

    Tools | 24 Jul 2020 | Contributor(s):: Jon Nykiel, Anna Leichty, Zachary D McClure, Alejandro Strachan, Aileen Ryan, Adrian Nat Gentry, Amanda Johnston, Tamara Jo Moore, Allen Garner, Peter Bermel

    Use Jupyter Notebooks with a Matlab kernel running in the background for data analysis and intro to engineering homework problems

  19. Image Analysis Program for Quantifying Nanosphere Lithography Packing Defects

    Downloads | 21 Jul 2020 | Contributor(s):: Takara Truong, Roseanne Warren

    This download resource provides MATLAB code files for scanning electron microscopy image analysis of nanosphere packing defects. The program enables users to estimate the total number of nanospheres in an image, the number of non-hexagonally close-packed (HCP) spheres, and the % of spheres...

  20. JZ SPIN
