Tags: machine learning

Online Presentations (21-40 of 97)

  1. MatSci 395 Lecture 3: How Do Neural Networks Work?

    Online Presentations | 07 Oct 2021 | Contributor(s):: Tiberiu Stan

  2. MatSci 395 Lecture 1: Introduction to Machine Learning, Materials Imaging, and Segmentation

    Online Presentations | 29 Sep 2021 | Contributor(s):: Tiberiu Stan

  3. A Machine Learning Aided Hierarchical Screening Strategy for Materials Discovery

    Online Presentations | 09 Sep 2021 | Contributor(s):: Anjana Talapatra

    In this tutorial, we illustrate this approach using the example of wide band gap oxide perovskites. We will sequentially search a very large domain space of single and double oxide perovskites to identify candidates that are likely to be formable, thermodynamically stable, exhibit insulator...

  4. Debugging Neural Networks

    Online Presentations | 09 Sep 2021 | Contributor(s):: Rishi P Gurnani

    The presentation will start with an overview of deep learning theory to motivate the logic in NetDebugger and end with a hands-on NetDebugger tutorial involving PyTorch, RDKit, and polymer data

  5. Active Learning via Bayesian Optimization for Materials Discovery

    Online Presentations | 25 Jun 2021 | Contributor(s):: Hieu Doan, Garvit Agarwal

    In this tutorial, we will demonstrate the use of active learning via Bayesian optimization (BO) to identify ideal molecular candidates for an energy storage application.

  6. An Introduction to Machine Learning for Materials Science: A Basic Workflow for Predicting Materials Properties

    Online Presentations | 25 Jun 2021 | Contributor(s):: Benjamin Afflerbach

    This tutorial will introduce core concepts of machine learning through the lens of a basic workflow to predict material bandgaps from material compositions.

  7. The Materials Simulation Toolkit for Machine Learning (MAST-ML): Automating Development and Evaluation of Machine Learning Models for Materials Property Prediction

    Online Presentations | 25 Jun 2021 | Contributor(s):: Ryan Jacobs

    This tutorial contains an introduction to the use of the Materials Simulation Toolkit for Machine Learning (MAST-ML), a python package designed to broaden and accelerate the use of machine learning and data science methods for materials property prediction.

  8. Classical Computing with Topological States: Coping with a post-Moore World

    Online Presentations | 21 Jun 2021 | Contributor(s):: Avik Ghosh

    There are two examples I will focus on ? one is doing conventional Boolean logic at low power below the thermal Boltzmann limit, using the topological properties of Dirac fermions to control transmission across a gated interface. The other is doing collective computing using temporal state...

  9. Parsimonious Neural Networks Learn Interpretable Physical Laws

    Online Presentations | 21 Jun 2021 | Contributor(s):: Saaketh Desai

    Machine learning methods are widely used as surrogate models in the physical sciences, but less explored is the use of machine learning to discover interpretable laws from data. This tutorial introduces parsimonious neural networks (PNNs), a combination of neural networks and evolutionary...

  10. A Hands-on Introduction to Physics-Informed Neural Networks

    Online Presentations | 16 Jun 2021 | Contributor(s):: Ilias Bilionis, Atharva Hans

    Can you make a neural network satisfy a physical law? There are two main types of these laws: symmetries and ordinary/partial differential equations. I will focus on differential equations in this short presentation. The simplest way to bake information about a differential equation with neural...

  11. Batch Reification Fusion Optimization (BAREFOOT) Framework

    Online Presentations | 09 Jun 2021 | Contributor(s):: Richard Couperthwaite

    This tutorial will present the fundamentals of multi-fidelity fusion as well as Sequential and Batch Bayesian Optimization as possible optimization approaches that can be integrated with high accuracy computational models or experimental procedures to speed up the optimization or design of...

  12. SimTools: Delivering Simulations in the Era of Abundant Data

    Online Presentations | 04 Jun 2021 | Contributor(s):: Alejandro Strachan

    This presentation introduces SimTool, a library that allows developers to create, publish, and share reproducible workflows with well-defined and verified inputs and outputs.

  13. Gr-ResQ Tutorial II: Tool Demonstration and Training

    Online Presentations | 04 Jun 2021 | Contributor(s):: Mitisha Surana

  14. Gr-ResQ Tutorial I: Introduction and Framework

    Online Presentations | 03 Jun 2021 | Contributor(s):: Mitisha Surana

  15. Gr-ResQ Tutorial III: Machine Learning and Beyound

    Online Presentations | 03 Jun 2021 | Contributor(s):: Mitisha Surana

  16. FDNS21: Revealing the Full Spectrum of 2D Materials with Superhuman Predictive Abilities

    Online Presentations | 20 May 2021 | Contributor(s):: Evan Reed

  17. FDNS21: Autonomous Research Systems for Carbon Nanotube Synthesis

    Online Presentations | 20 May 2021 | Contributor(s):: Benji Maruyama

  18. FDNS21: Machine Learning Guided Synthesis of 2D Materials

    Online Presentations | 27 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s):: Zheng Liu

  19. Convenient and efficient development of Machine Learning Interatomic Potentials

    Online Presentations | 09 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s):: Yunxing Zuo

    This tutorial introduces the concepts of machine learning interatomic potentials (ML-IAPs) in materials science, including two components of local environment atomic descriptors and machine learning models.

  20. Constructing Accurate Quantitative Structure-Property Relationships via Materials Graph Networks

    Online Presentations | 09 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s):: Chi Chen

    This tutorial covers materials graph networks for modeling crystal and molecular properties. We will introduce the graph representation of crystals and molecules and how the convolutional operations are carried out on the materials graphs.