p21, p38, p53 Senescence Model

By Fyffe Peter

Indiana University Bloomington

Learn about the proteins necessary for senescence and their relationships to ROS.

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Version 1.0 - published on 09 Dec 2022

doi:10.21981/8JDY-NR75 cite this

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Senescence, the irreversible state in which a cell ceases to grow and divide, is often the consequence of excessive reactive oxygen species (ROS) accumulation. ROS tends to cause DNA damage, but elevated levels of DNA damage response (DDR) foci, in turn, result in increased ROS production. This app is designed to help one understand this feedback loop as well as the proteins involved (specifically p38, p53, p21, and ATM) and how they decide a cell's fate between senescence, DNA damage, or apoptosis.


The model, diagram on this page (Figure 3A), and reference material are thanks to the paper "Feedback between p21 and reactive oxygen production is necessary for cell senescence" https://doi.org/10.1038/msb.2010.5

Other citations are included at the bottom of the notebook.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Fyffe Peter (2022), "p21, p38, p53 Senescence Model," https://nanohub.org/resources/p38senesence. (DOI: 10.21981/8JDY-NR75).

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