Some Remarks to Electrodynamics of Materials with Negative Refraction

By Victor G. Veselago

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology

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Victor Veselago Victor Georgievich Veselago graduated from Moscow University in 1952, and was with P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow, from 1952 to 1983. From 1983 up to now, he is the head of laboratory of magnetic materials in A.M. Prokhorov Institute of General Physics. He received his PhD degree in 1959, for radiospectropy investigation of molecular spectra, and degree Doctor of Science (solid state physics) in 1974 for investigation of solid state in high magnetic field., both in P.N. Lebedev Institute. From 1980 until now, is a professor of applied physics in Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. The area of scientific interest of V.G. Veselago is magnetism, solid-state physics, electro-dynamics. In his papers, published in 1966-1972 was at the first time considered electrodynamics of material with negative value of refraction index (so called Left-Handed Materials, LHM). V.G. Veselago is a winner of State Prize for science of USSR (1976), and a winner of academician V.A. Fock prize (2004). He is also an Honored Scientist of Russian Federation (2002).

He is an active expert in Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research, Russian Foundation for Humanitarian Research, and is vice-chairman of physics section of Supreme Attestation Committee of Russia (VAK). He is a founder and vice-editor of the electronic, scientific journal " Исследовано в России Investigated in Russia." Married, has 3 daughters and 1 son. His favorite animal is lady-cat, Fifa. His hobby is of railways (real, not models).

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  • Victor G. Veselago (2007), "Some Remarks to Electrodynamics of Materials with Negative Refraction,"

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