FD integral calculator

By Xingshu Sun1; Mark Lundstrom1; raseong kim1

1. Purdue University

Calculate the Fermi-Dirac integral given the fermi energy and the order of integral

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Version 2.0.2 - published on 16 Sep 2014

doi:10.4231/D3SQ8QJ5T cite this

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This tool enables users to calculate the “Script FD integral”, given the Fermi energy and the order of the integral. Users can plot the FD integral and calculate the inverse FD integral as well.


[1] R. Kim and M. S. Lundstrom (2008), "Notes on Fermi-Dirac Integral (3rd Edition)," Available: https://nanohub.org/resources/5475.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Xingshu Sun, Mark Lundstrom, raseong kim (2014), "FD integral calculator," https://nanohub.org/resources/fdical. (DOI: 10.4231/D3SQ8QJ5T).

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