THM-TFET Compact Model 1.2

By Alexander Kloes1, Fabian Horst2, Anita Farokhnejad3, Michael Graef4

1. Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen - University of Applied Sciences 2. Bender GmbH & Co. KG 3. IMEC 4. Infineon Technologies

THM-TFET is a compact model for a double-gate Tunnel-FET, is provided in Verilog-A code and allows for DC, AC and transient circuit simulation.

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Version 1.2 - published on 16 May 2022 doi:10.21981/NGS2-AE57 - cite this

Licensed under NEEDS Modified CMC License according to these terms


The THM-TFET compact model is coded in Verilog-A and the result of several Ph D projects carried out at THM (Germany) in collaboration with URV (Spain). A physics-based DC compact model calculates the device terminal current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of a TFET (Tunnel-FET). A charge model determines its dynamic behavior. The combination of these two therefore provides an insight into the performance of the TFET and allows the user to simulate this device either as a single element or to perform DC, AC or transient simulations of complex circuits.

The compact model has been derived for double-gate (DG) point-tunneling TFETs. However, the flexibility and simplicity of the model allows to use it for the different structures such as single-gate (SG) planar devices, nanowire TFETs and devices with line-tunneling architecture. To do so, beside the structural parameters there have been defined also some fitting parameters which help to adapt the characteristics.

The compact model uses the same equations as the tool Therefore, this tool allows a quick view on the capabilities of the THM-TFET compact model and simplifies fitting of the model to measurement data.

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