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NANOOZE - what is nano?

Nanooze is a place to hear about the latest exciting stuff in science and technology. What kind of stuff? Mostly discoveries about the world that is too small to see and making tiny things using  nanotechnology. Things like computer chips, the latest in fashion and even important stuff like tennis rackets. Nanooze was created for kids, so inside you will find interesting articles about what nanotechnology is and what it might mean to your future. Nanooze can be found on the web at or just ‘google’ ‘nanooze’. There is lots more there including interviews with real scientists, the latest in science
and even games!


NMBP-13 Education Resources / ERN

Education and information resources and materials for European Researchers' Night and other events - Contributions from GOV4NANO, NANORIGO and RISKGONE

5 posts

Profile picture of NanoSafety Cluster

NanoSafety Cluster