Questions and Answers

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Alex Small

Can you customize the basis?

Is there a way to create and visualize a crystal that isn’t already pre-packaged, i.e. use an existing lattice with a custom basis? I want to visualize the crystal structure shown here:

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2 Responses

  1. 0 Like 0 Dislike

    Benjamin P Haley

    Hi, Thanks for your question. The tool cannot currently accept a custom basis, but you should submit a wish to the tool wishlist, at The tool authors use these wishlists to guide future development of the tool, and the nanoHUB user community can vote to support good ideas, like yours.

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  2. 0 Like 0 Dislike

    Tanya Faltens

    Hi Alex.  With the new version of Crystal Viewer, I believe you can create your own crystals!  From the first drop down menu, select "Create your own crystal!"


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