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Christian Heyn

recommended viewer for vtk files

Hi, I want to analyse simulated quantum dot wave functions off-line using a windows pc. For this, I have downloaded the wave function as a vtk file. Is there a recommeded viewer / tool for this file type? Thanks Christian

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2 Responses

  1. 0 Like 0 Dislike

    Sam Reeve

    OVITO ( is an excellent software package designed for viewing atomistic simulation results. It accepts VTK and many other formats. 

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  2. 0 Like 0 Dislike

    Guidobeth Saez Toro

    If it is not too late, another option is to download a program called paraview, it is very useful and there are many tutorials, you can apply filters, cuts in the mesh, vector graphics, you can do everything visit https: // www.

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