Wish List - Tool fermi: Wish #401

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Tanya Faltens

Quick and easy access to support materials from the tool page

It would be really nice to have a quick way to click back and forth between the “home” page for a tool, which has all of the supporting mateirals, and the page where the tool runs.

If I just click through the options presented to me, once I launch the tool, there is no easy way to go back to the instructions and FTUG. I can follow the “breadcrumbs” back, but then I don’t see my simulation any more. I usually end up closing the simulation window.

This may be a browser-specific problem (I use IE) but it would be nice to get a new tab or floating window for the simulation, OR a button within the page that has the simulation that will open up a window with the supporting docs. There is a border around the simulation window and it looks as though there should be room for a button.

Comments (2)

  1. Gunjan Shah

    Hey tanya, its been like 6 years now! Do you still use this tool? 

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    1. Tanya Faltens

      I use a lot of nanoHUB tools, and the name of the tool you are asking about was not recorded in my wish.  Please specify which tool you are referring to, and what your interest is in this tool.

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  2. Anonymous

    Hey tanya, its been like 6 years now! Do you still use this tool? 

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