Lessons from Nanoscience: Information for Prospective Authors

Version 3
by (unknown)
Version 4
by (unknown)

Deletions or items before changed

Additions or items after changed

1 Authors interested in contributing to the series should prepare a short prospectus for a proposed volume of less than 300 pages. Include a paragraph (or a maximum of two) describing the proposed volume, why the topic is important, and how it addresses the vision of the series. Also include a list of the chapter titles, and send the prospectus to one of the series editors. Suggested format:
3 #Title of the proposed volume[[br]]
4 #Brief description in one or two paragraphs.[[br]]
5 #Brief discussion of how the proposed volume aligns with the vision of the series.[[br]] Does it:[[br]]
6 : a)Treat an important, new topic with a unique “point-of-view”?
7 : b)Treat an important topic in a way that transcends disciplinary boundaries?
8 : c)Treat a traditional topic in science or engineering from the perspective of recent advanced in nanoscience?
9 #Listing of chapter titles
10 -
#Tentative delivery date for manucript
#Tentative delivery date for manuscript
12 Please send your prospectus to the series editors:
14 :Mark Lundstrom (lundstro@purdue.edu)
15 :Supriyo Datta (datta@purdue.edu)
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