Tags: visualization


Simulators can produce all sorts of numbers, but the numbers themselves aren't terribly meaningful until they are put into context by visualization techniques. For example, the coordinates of the various atoms in a molecule don't readily convey the shape of the molecule, but once those coordinates are loaded into VMD, the the resulting picture conveys not only the shape of the molecule, but other important properties as well.

Learn more about visualization techniques from the resources on this site, listed below.

Presentation Materials (1-3 of 3)

  1. Visualization of and Educational Tool for Quantum Dots

    Presentation Materials | 15 Aug 2004 | Contributor(s):: Aaron Christensen, Adrian Rios

    Quantum dots (QDs) are confined structures made of metals and semiconductors that are capable of containing free electrons.The ability to visualize these small devices is advantageous in determining probable electron orbitals and in observing information not easily conceived in raw datasets.

  2. Enhancing Web-Based Three-Dimensional Visualization of Scientific Data

    Presentation Materials | 21 Apr 2004 | Contributor(s):: Kwame Osei - Wusu

    2003 SURI Conference Proceedings

  3. Simultaneous Interactive Visualization of Multiple Volumes

    Presentation Materials | 21 Apr 2004 | Contributor(s):: Zheng Li

    2003 SURI Conference Proseedings