Tags: Quantum ESPRESSO



Quantum ESPRESSO is an integrated suite of Open-Source computer codes for electronic-structure calculations and materials modeling at the nanoscale. It is based on density-functional theory, plane waves, and pseudopotentials.

Quantum ESPRESSO website

Questions & Answers (1-6 of 6)

  1. Error encountered when attempting to run MIT DFT modelling toolkit

    Q&A|Closed | Responses: 0


  2. How to convert Quantum Espresso's cp.x output (e.g. XXX.cel and XXX.pos) to a .xyz (or any format compatible to VMD) file format

    Q&A|Closed | Responses: 2

    I've trying to convert atomic positions of eight water molecules (H2O.pos) to a .xyz format in order to calculate its radial distribution function using VMD, but it seems that H2O.cel and...


  3. irreducible raman tensors

    Q&A|Closed | Responses: 0

    Hi everyone,


    I have carried on a Raman calculation on some wurzite structure and I was able to predict all the physical paramaters ( phonon frequencies, dielctric...


  4. irreducible raman tensors

    Q&A|Closed | Responses: 3

    Hi everyone,


    I have carried on a Raman calculation on some wurzite structure and I was able to predict all the physical paramaters ( phonon frequencies, dielctric...


  5. irreducible raman tensors

    Q&A|Closed | Responses: 1

    Hi everyone,


    I have carried on a Raman calculation on some wurzite structure and I was able to predict all the physical paramaters ( phonon frequencies, dielctric...


  6. Why are there only three components in the stress tensor?

    Q&A|Closed | Responses: 1

    I try to simulation nickel under stress by changing the input cell geometry. However, in the data section of the final result, under “—- Final stress —-”, there are only...
