Tags: nonequilibrium greens functions

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  1. ANGEL - A Nonequilibrium Green Function Solver for LEDs

    Tools | 18 Jan 2010 | Contributor(s):: sebastian steiger

    An MPI-parallelized implementation of 1-D NEGF for heterostructures. Includes off-diagonal scattering. Effective mass band structure for electrons and holes. The online tool only provides basic NEGF functionality without scattering.

  2. EOLAS NEGF Transport Simulator

    Tools | 03 Jul 2020 | Contributor(s):: Alfonso Sanchez, Thomas Kelly

    Effective-mass / NEGF simulator for electronic transport in Si nanostructures

  3. Gerhard Klimeck

    Gerhard Klimeck is the Elmore Chaired Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University and leads two research centers in Purdue's Discovery Park. He is also Vice President for...


  4. Joshua Obodo


  5. Shashank Shekhar Harivyasi
