Tags: nanomaterials


Nanomaterials is a field that takes a materials science-based approach to nanotechnology. It studies materials with morphological features on the nanoscale, and especially those that have special properties stemming from their nanoscale dimensions. Nanoscale is usually defined as smaller than a one tenth of a micrometer in at least one dimension, though this term is sometimes also used for materials smaller than one micrometer.

Learn more about quantum dots from the many resources on this site, listed below. More information on Nanomaterials can be found here.

Online Presentations (61-64 of 64)

  1. Materials strength: does size matter? nanoMATERIALS simulation toolkit tutorial

    Online Presentations | 01 Feb 2007 | Contributor(s):: Alejandro Strachan

    Molecular dynamics (MD) is a powerful technique to characterize the fundamental, atomic-level processes that govern materials behavior and is playing an important role in our understanding of the new phenomena that arises in nanoscale and nanostructured materials and result in their unique...

  2. Nanomaterials: from Art to Applications

    Online Presentations | 04 Jan 2007 | Contributor(s):: Howard E. Katz, Jonah Erlebacher, Peter C. Searson

    The current revolution in materials technologies is being driven by the ability to observe and control nanometer-scale features, and even to manipulate objects the size of single molecules. Research being conducted at the Johns Hopkins Department of Materials Science and Engineering has a...

  3. Materials Science on the Atomic Scale with the 3-D Atom Probe

    Online Presentations | 08 Nov 2006 | Contributor(s):: George D. W. Smith

    Some of the key goals of materials science and technology are to be able to design a material from first principles, to predict its behaviour, and also to optimise the processing route for its manufacture. In recent years, these goals have come closer to realisation, thanks in part to the...

  4. Nanomaterials: Quantum Dots, Nanowires and Nanotubes

    Online Presentations | 15 Jul 2005 | Contributor(s):: Timothy D. Sands

    What is a quantum dot? What is a nanowire? What is a nanotube? Why are these interesting and what are their potential applications? How are they made? This presentation is intended to begin to answer these questions while introducing some fundamental concepts such as wave-particle duality,...