Tags: molecular dynamics (MD)


Molecular dynamics is a form of computer simulation in which atoms and molecules are allowed to interact for a period of time by approximations of known physics, giving a view of the motion of the particles. This kind of simulation is frequently used in the study of proteins and biomolecules, as well as in materials science. More information on Molecular dynamics can be found here.

Courses (1-9 of 9)

  1. [Illinois] Physics 550 Biomolecular Physics

    Courses | 05 Sep 2013 | Contributor(s):: Klaus Schulten, Taekjip Ha

      Physical concepts governing the structure and function of biological macromolecules; general properties, spatial structure, energy levels, dynamics and functions, and relation to other complex physical systems such as glasses; recent research in biomolecular physics;...

  2. Atomistic Material Science

    Courses | 03 Nov 2011 | Contributor(s):: Alejandro Strachan

    This course introduces first principles electronic structure calculations of materials properties and the concept of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of materials focusing on the physics and approximations underlying the simulations and interpretation of their results.

  3. Atomic Picture of Plastic Deformation in Metals via Online Molecular Dynamics Simulations

    Courses | 01 Jun 2011 | Contributor(s):: Alejandro Strachan

    The main goal of this learning module is to introduce students to the atomic-level processes responsible for plastic deformation in crystalline metals and help them develop a more intuitive understanding of how materials work at molecular scales. The module consists of: i) Two introductory...

  4. Tutorial 3: Materials Simulation by First-Principles Density Functional Theory

    Courses | 14 Sep 2010 | Contributor(s):: Umesh V. Waghmare

    This two-part lecture will provide an introduction to first-principles density functional theory based methods for simulation of materials, with a focus on determination of interatomic force constants and vibrational spectra of nano- structures and extended periodic materials.

  5. Short Course on Molecular Dynamics Simulation

    Courses | 13 Oct 2009 | Contributor(s):: Ashlie Martini

    This set of ten presentations accompanied a graduate level course on Molecular Dynamics simulation. The specific objective of the course (and the presentations) is to provide: 1. Awareness of the opportunities and limitations of Molecular Dynamics as a tool for scientific and engineering...

  6. Illinois MatSE485/Phys466/CSE485 - Atomic-Scale Simulation

    Courses | 27 Jan 2009 | Contributor(s):: David M. Ceperley

    THE OBJECTIVE is to learn and apply fundamental techniques used in (primarily classical) simulations in order to help understand and predict properties of microscopic systems in materials science, physics, chemistry, and biology. THE EMPHASIS will be on connections between the simulation...

  7. MSE 597G An Introduction to Molecular Dynamics

    Courses | 13 Nov 2008 | Contributor(s):: Alejandro Strachan

    The goal of this short course is to provide an introduction to the theory and algorithms behind MD simulations, describe some of the most exciting recent developments in the field and exemplify with a few applications applications. The series also includes a tutorial on the nanoMATERIALS...

  8. Overview of Computational Nanoscience: a UC Berkeley Course

    Courses | 01 Feb 2008 | Contributor(s):: Jeffrey C Grossman, Elif Ertekin

    This course will provide students with the fundamentals of computational problem-solving techniques that are used to understand and predict properties of nanoscale systems. Emphasis will be placed on how to use simulations effectively, intelligently, and cohesively to predict properties that...

  9. Lectures on Molecular Dynamics Modeling of Materials

    Courses | 09 Jan 2008 | Contributor(s):: Alejandro Strachan

    Molecular dynamics simulations are playing an increasingly important role in many areas of science and engineering, from biology and pharmacy to nanoelectronics and structural materials. Recent breakthroughs in methodologies and in first principles-based interatomic potentials significantly...