
Run MATLAB The MATLAB tool on nanoHUB gives you access to the full MATLAB desktop, including most toolboxes, Simulink®, and Simulink- based products (product list).

This tag is for general MATLAB related materials such as scripts, documentation, etc. The tag that is specific to the R2021a version of MATLAB that is available on nanoHUB is MATLAB Tool.

Events (1-4 of 4)

  1. Sep 12 2022

    Data Cleaning with MATLAB

    Data Cleaning with MATLABInstead of cleaning your data cell by cell, did you know that MATLAB can simplify and automate your data cleaning tasks?Join us for a free data cleaning tutorial, where you...


  2. Feb 23 2022

    nanoHUB Hands-On Workshop: Machine Learning with MATLAB

    Abstract: Engineers and data scientists work with large amounts of data in a variety of formats such as sensor, image, video, telemetry, databases, and more. They use machine learning to find...


  3. Feb 16 2022

    nanoHUB Hands-On Workshop: Data Analysis with MATLAB

    Abstract: Do you find analyzing your data to be a painful process of cleansing and selecting data, running functions that don’t give you any indication of the output, and force you to keep...


  4. Sep 15 2010

    Parallel MATLAB Tutorial Offered by Cornell and Purdue

    Cornell University in partnership with Purdue University received a National Science Foundation award to deploy a new experimental computing resource called "MATLAB on the TeraGrid." This cluster...
