Tags: cyberinfrastructure


The comprehensive infrastructure needed to capitalize on dramatic advances in information technology has been termed cyberinfrastructure. Cyberinfrastructure integrates hardware for computing, data and networks, digitally-enabled sensors, observatories and experimental facilities, and an interoperable suite of software and middleware services and tools. Investments in interdisciplinary teams and cyberinfrastructure professionals with expertise in algorithm development, system operations, and applications development are also essential to exploit the full power of cyberinfrastructure to create, disseminate, and preserve scientific data, information, and knowledge.

–from NSF's Cyberinfrastructure Vision For 21st Century Discovery

In this context, the nanoHUB cyberinfrastructure integrates middleware components (Condor, VIOLIN) and links to compute and storage resources on TeraGrid and the Open Science Grid to offer the nanotechnology community a set of easy to use services that enhances their research and learning.

Learn more about quantum dots from the many resources on this site, listed below. More information on Cyberinfrastructure can be found here.

Workshops (1-8 of 8)

  1. 1st nanoMFG Node Workshop on Data-Science ENabled Advances in Nanomanufacturing (DSEAN)

    Workshops | 22 Apr 2019 | Contributor(s):: Kimani C Toussaint, ST H Tawfick, Chenhui Shao, Narayan Aluru, Placid M. Ferreira, Elif Ertekin, Taylor, Hayden, Jay R Roloff

    This workshop brought together experts in nanomanufacturing, data science, and cyberinfrastructure.

  2. Grid Computing Technologies

    Workshops | 21 Feb 2011 | Contributor(s):: Carol Song

  3. What's the HUBbub? HUBzero technology for online research and teaching collaborations

    Workshops | 21 Feb 2011 | Contributor(s):: Michael McLennan

  4. Cyber Infrastructure Days at Purdue University

    Workshops | 31 Jan 2011

    Purdue CI Days 2010 showcases technologies to enhance research, teaching and research funding. The program focus is on how just about any faculty member, research staffer, or graduate student can benefit from these technologies.

  5. Purdue School on High Performance and Parallel Computing

    Workshops | 24 Nov 2008 | Contributor(s):: Alejandro Strachan, Faisal Saied

    The goal of this workshop is to provide training in the area of high performance scientific computing for graduate students and researchers interested in scientific computing. The School will address current hardware and software technologies and trends for parallel computing and their...

  6. Excellence in Computer Simulation

    Workshops | 19 Dec 2007 | Contributor(s):: Mark Lundstrom, Jeffrey B. Neaton, Jeffrey C Grossman

    Computational science is frequently labeled as a third branch of science - equal in standing with theory and experiment, and computational engineering is now an essential component of technology development and manufacturing. The successes of computational science and engineering (CSE) over the...

  7. High Performance Computing Training Workshop

    Workshops | 09 Oct 2007

    The Computing Research Institute and the Rosen Center for Advanced Computing hosted a training workshop on High Performance Computing August 6 &7, and September 10 & 11, 2007. The goal of this workshop is to increase the attendees’ knowledge of parallel architectures and parallel programming on...

  8. NCN Student Workshop 2005

    Workshops | 06 Apr 2005

    The first NCN Student Workshop was held April 6-7, 2005. This workshop was designed to give students in the program a background about NCN activities, and to hear from them how NCN can better serve their needs in the future.