Transmission of images with subwavelength resolution to distances of several wavelengths in microwave, terahertz and infrared ranges

By Pavel Belov

Queen Mary University of London, London, UK

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BSc, MSc and PhD in optics ('98,'00,'03) from St. Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (Russia). Licentiate and Doctor of Science in Technology (2nd PhD) in radioengineering from Helsinki University of Technology (Finland). Employment: ITMO (Russia), HUT (Finland), Samsung Electronics (Korea). Since 2005 Dr. Belov is with Queen Mary University of London (UK). EPSRC Advanced Research Fellow (2007-2012). Publications: 46 journal papers, 8 book chapters, 50 conference reports. Research interests: metamaterials, plasmonic nanostructures, photonic crystals with the emphasis on analytical and numerical modeling.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Pavel Belov (2008), "Transmission of images with subwavelength resolution to distances of several wavelengths in microwave, terahertz and infrared ranges,"

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