SPMW Interplay between theory and experiment in AFM nanomechanical studies of polymers

By Sergei Magonov1; Sergey Belikov1

1. Veeco Instruments

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This work was supported by NIST/ATP Award #70NANB4H3055.


  1. D. Klinov, S. Magonov APL (2004) 84, 2697
  2. S. Belikov, S. Magonov JJAP (2006) 45, 2158
  3. S. Belikov, N. Yerina, and S. Magonov, submitted to J. Physics (2006).
  4. D. Maugis “Contact, adhesion and rupture of elastic solid” (2000) Springer, Heidelberg.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Sergei Magonov, Sergey Belikov (2006), "SPMW Interplay between theory and experiment in AFM nanomechanical studies of polymers," https://nanohub.org/resources/2030.

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