== == A number object represents a real value with an optional system of units: [[rpimage(zoo_number1.gif)]] {{{ This is the temperature in the environment around the device. false K 50K 1000K 300K 300K 77K }}} The {{{}}} values appear in a drop-down menu controlled by the little triangle button to the right of the number. The {{{}}} attribute indicates if the number entry should have an Uncertainty Quantification icon next to it. This value overrides any system-level default, or tool-level setting in {{{}}}. [[BR]] [[rpimage(zoo_number2.gif)]] {{{ This determines the voltage sweep used to obtain results from the model. R0lGODlhGgASAKEBAAAAAP///////////yH+FUNyZWF0ZWQgd2l0aCBUaGUgR0lNUAAh+QQBCgAB ACwAAAAAGgASAAACLoyPqcvtD8CRj8VZrYw8h/tRn2eA4Eiaosa1qttC1EmW81qrtbYvdG8DCodE RQEAOw== V 0V 10V 4V purple }}} The {{{}}} entry is a base64-encoded GIF file. On Linux systems, use the {{{mimencode}}} program to create this text representation for the GIF image. You can see working code in the [browser:trunk/examples/zoo zoo of examples] in the [browser:trunk/examples/zoo/number number example] or on the hub in the directory /apps/rappture/examples/zoo/number.