
Version 9 (modified by swoop, 19 years ago) (diff)


Rappture Toolkit

Rappture is a toolkit supporting Rapid application infrastructure, making it quick and easy to develop powerful scientific applications. At its core, Rappture is a C++ toolkit, but it has additional language bindings that let it be used in Fortran, Python, and (perhaps someday) MATLAB applications. It combines numerical building blocks, such as Poisson equation solvers and iterative matrix solvers, along with a powerful infrastructure for handling user interfaces. Once you describe the input/output for your simulator, Rappture handles the rest, generating a graphical interface automatically based on your description. The resulting application is easy to deploy on the nanoHUB, so a large community of users can access it through their web browser.

More information:

Rappture Developers: Use the Ticket System to report problems and track resolutions. Browse through [http:/projects/rappture/report existing tickets] or [http:/projects/rappture/newticket create a new one].

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