= Frequently Asked Questions & Solutions = 1. [wiki:FAQ_Internals How does Rappture1.x really work?] 1. [wiki:Citations How do I cite Rappture in academic literature?] 1. [wiki:GettingStarted I have Rappture1.x installed, what's next?] 1. [wiki:FAQ_XmlPathNames How do I read XML Paths with Rappture1.x?] 1. [wiki:FAQ_PicsInXML How do I get my GIF, JPEG, or PNG picture into a tool.xml?] 1. [wiki:FAQ_MatlabPlots How do I display Matlab plots as a result?] 1. [wiki:FAQ_CompileAgainstRappture How do I compile against the Rappture Library?] 1. [wiki:FAQ_WrapperScriptBasics Wrapper Script Basics] 1. [wiki:FAQ_RerunIntro How to re-visualize old run.xml files] 1. [wiki:FAQ_MoleculeViewer Molecule Viewers In and Out] 1. [wiki:FAQ_StartAProject Starting a new Project] 1. [wiki:FAQ_UpDownloadSrc Uploading and Downloading Your Code] 1. [wiki:FAQ_RapptureUnits What are Rappture Units?] 1. [wiki:FAQ_MailingList Rappture Mailing List] 1. [wiki:FAQ_FilesizeLimits How do I increase the filesize limit?] 1. [wiki:FAQ_LoaderUpDownload How do I allow users to upload data with the Rappture graphical user interface?] 1. [wiki:FAQ_AppToNanoHUB Application Life Cycle - the steps to getting your application on nanoHUB.org] 1. [wiki:FAQ_RapptureRuntimeSemiHard Is there a semi-hard way to install the Rappture-Runtime?] 1. [wiki:FAQ_RapptureQueues Parallel Programming with Rappture, PBS and Condor] 1. [wiki:FAQ_RapptureSubmit How do I use submit with Rappture?] 1. [wiki:FAQ_CompiledMatlab How do I compile my matlab code so others can use it?] 1. [wiki:FAQ_RapptureDeveloperTools What tools are available to make my Rappture developement easier?] 1. [wiki:FAQ_NoOutputInTool Why you should not put an ... section in your tool.xml] 1. [wiki:FAQ_SimulateButton How do I change the text on the Simulate button?] 1. [wiki:FAQ_ToolXmlLocation How does the Rappture Toolkit know where to find my tool.xml file?] 1. [wiki:FAQ_LaunchingOctaveScripts Switching from Octave-2 to Octave-3]