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negative effective mass for ultra-thin body Si nanosheet

I used the ultra-thin body setting to calculate the band structure of a DGFET with 12nm body thickness. I used <110> as transport direction, <001> as confinement direction, and a K-space settings of (0, 0.5), It gives negative effective mass for 1st and 2nd valence bands. I was not expecting this. Is this physical ? Can the tool accommodate these settings ?

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    Samik Mukherjee

    Dear User ,

                       The sign convention for effective masses is that for upwards parabolic curvature the electron masses are positive and for downwards facing parabola the masses are negative. Therefore a negative effective mass are reported for valence bands for electrons which are actually positive effective masses for holes. In your case all the effective masses reported are negative for electrons and hence positive for holes.



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