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varun gupta

how to mix two different shapes of particles to obtain extinction spectrum?

i am trying to mix two or more different shapes and size of particles, and want to see the effect on extinction coefficient ? is it possible ? how to do it?

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    Prashant K Jain

    For a mixture where the nanoparticles do not interact/couple with each other, the extinction spectrum (or cross-section) would simply be a weighted sum of the extinction spectra (of cross-sections) of the individual configurations:

    Cext = (w_1*Cext_1 + w2*Cext_2)/(w_1 + w_2) where w_i corresponds to the number fraction of nanoparticles of type i and Cext_i corresponds to the extinction cross-section of the nanoparticle of type i in units of (length)^2.

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      varun gupta


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