Tags: NanoBio Node at Indiana


Nanobio Node at Indiana

The Engineered nanoBIO node at Indiana University (IU) develops a powerful set of integrated computational nanotechnology products that address this complex, multiscale problem in both education and research and facilitate the discovery of customized, efficient, and safe nanoscale devices for biological applications. These apps, tools, and frameworks span the range from nanoscale particles (nano) to cellular scale structures (micro) to tissue scale morpohologies (macro).

Presentation Materials (1-1 of 1)

  1. Cloud-hosted Mathematical Models: Links between Education, Research, and Outreach

    Presentation Materials | 01 Aug 2019 | Contributor(s):: Paul Macklin

    To address the challenges facing undergraduate research, we tested lab structure that can scalably involve undergraduates in cutting-edge mathematical biology research. Teams of two-to-four undergraduates are jointly mentored by a graduate student (or senior personnel) and the lab’s...